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Roseburg Sister Cities-Kuki City Delegation Visit

Kuki City Delegates arrived June 1, 2023. There were ten delegates: Haoru Hirasawa, Shoichi Yamada, Yoshiko Yamada, Koji Okazaki, Soji Okamura, Kazumi Suzuki, Taki Ohara, Yasunori Koyama, Atsuko Shimizu, and Sanae Kawamoto.

They arrived at the Eugene Airport and were transported to Umpqua Community College, to take part in the Gingko Tree Dedication and to meet their Host families. Day 1, events included: City Day, with visits and tours of the Roseburg City Library, the Roseburg Police and Fire Departments, a K-9 demonstration from the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department, meeting and tour of Roseburg City Hall with Mayor Larry Rich, City Manager Nikki Messenger and City Recorder, Patty Hitt, a walk down Main and Jackson streets to view the recently painted murals as part of a downtown beautifications, lunch at the Urban New York Pizza & Grill, and a tour of the Friendship Garden. The day ended with the Welcome Dinner at the Roseburg Country Club. Day 2 & 3 - Host families did a wide variety of activites to showcase Douglas County and Oregon. Day 4, events included: a visit to Fir Grove Elementary School with lunch provided, viewing the the orgami crane’s made by the students, and a felting project at the Umpqua Valley Arts Center with various speakers, as well as visitsing the cherry trees and Japanese artwork located at the Art Center. Day 5, involved a visit to Wildlife Safari Village for the Farewell Meal. Speakers from Wildlife Safari shared animals and answered questions about them and the facility. A Farewell Potluck Brunch took place with delicious American and Japanese foods and desserts. Each Delegate spoke about their visit and thanked their host and was full of happy and sadness as they prepared to return to Japan. The final afternoon and evening was spent in Eugene. Delegates had one last opportunity to shop at Fifth Street Market, enjoy a relaxing and fun evening at a restaurant and pack for their early morning flight to return home.

May 1

Roseburg Sister Cities and Kuki City, Japan Student Exchange Program

June 1

Hiroshima Peace Gingko Tree Dedication